IKO Instructor Courses

IKO Instructor Courses

Accrokite, located in Koh Phangan, offers comprehensive Kite Instructor Courses accredited by the International Kiteboarding Organization (IKO). Whether you’re looking to kickstart your career as a kiteboarding instructor or enhance your skills, Accrokite provides three main courses: the Assistant Training Course (ATC), the Instructor Training Course (ITC), the Instructor Equivalency Course (IEC) and the Instructor Reinstatement Course (IRC).

The Assistant Training Course (ATC) is designed for aspiring instructors who want to gain fundamental knowledge and skills in assisting certified instructors during kiteboarding lessons. It covers safety protocols, equipment setup, and basic teaching techniques.

The Instructor Training Course (ITC) is ideal for individuals aiming to become certified kiteboarding instructors. This comprehensive course delves deeper into instructional techniques, safety procedures, risk management, and teaching methodologies. Participants learn how to conduct kiteboarding lessons and assess student progress effectively.

For experienced instructors holding certifications from other organizations, Accrokite offers the Instructor Equivalency Course (IEC). This course allows instructors to convert their existing qualifications to IKO certifications, ensuring compliance with international standards.

Has your IKO Instructor certificate expired for more than 2 years? Do you want to teach kitesurfing again? We created this 1-day Instructor Reinstatement Course (IRC) specifically for IKO Instructors with expired certificates, so they can reactivate their IKO certificate and teach again.

Accrokite’s courses are conducted by experienced IKO-certified instructors who provide personalized guidance and support throughout the training process. Additionally, Koh Phangan’s ideal kiteboarding conditions, including consistent winds and shallow waters, provide the perfect setting for practical training.

By completing the Kite Instructor Courses at Accrokite, students gain valuable skills, industry-recognized certifications, and the confidence to pursue exciting opportunities in the world of kiteboarding instruction. Whether seeking professional development or a thrilling new career path, Accrokite is your gateway to success in the kiteboarding industry.

August 2024 IKO Instructor Courses

Time To Change Your Path In Life!

Our August ATC (Assistant training course) will occur from the 12th to the 16th of August 2024.

First AID and CPR course on the 17th of August, day off on the 18th of August.

IEC (Instructor equivalency course) and ITC (Instructor training course) from the 19th to the 23rd of August 2024

Course in English.

Get the opportunity to gain some knowledge and experience with our team of professionals.

For experienced instructors holding certifications from other organizations, Accrokite offers the Instructor Equivalency Course (IEC). This course allows instructors to convert their existing qualifications to IKO certifications, ensuring compliance with international standards.

Accrokite’s courses are conducted by experienced IKO-certified instructors who provide personalized guidance and support throughout the training process. Additionally, Koh Phangan’s ideal kiteboarding conditions, including consistent winds and shallow waters, give the perfect setting for practical training.

By completing the Kite Instructor Courses at Accrokite, students gain valuable skills, industry-recognized certifications, and the confidence to pursue exciting opportunities in the world of kiteboarding instruction. Whether you’re seeking professional development or a thrilling new career path, Accrokite is your gateway to success in the kiteboarding industry.

February 2025 IKO Instructor Courses

Let’s Get In The Water with a new career path!

Our 2nd lot of courses for 2025 are 

ATC (Assistant training course) will take place from the 10th to the 14th of February 2025.

First AID and CPR course on the 15th, day off on the 16th

IEC (Instructor equivalency course) and ITC (Instructor training course) from the 17th to the 21st of February 2025

*Participants of IRC can choose 1 day of the ITC.

Course in English.

Get the opportunity to gain some knowledge and experience with our team of professionals.

For experienced instructors holding certifications from other organizations, Accrokite offers the Instructor Equivalency Course (IEC). This course allows instructors to convert their existing qualifications to IKO certifications, ensuring compliance with international standards.

Accrokite’s courses are conducted by experienced IKO-certified instructors who provide personalized guidance and support throughout the training process. Additionally, Koh Phangan’s ideal kiteboarding conditions, including consistent winds and shallow waters, give the perfect setting for practical training.

By completing the Kite Instructor Courses at Accrokite, students gain valuable skills, industry-recognized certifications, and the confidence to pursue exciting opportunities in the world of kiteboarding instruction. Whether you’re seeking professional development or a thrilling new career path, Accrokite is your gateway to success in the kiteboarding industry.

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